As a Texas REALTOR®, you have a new form you and your clients can use to withdraw an offer or counteroffer. Notice of Withdrawal of Offer (1945) provides the ability to give notice of withdrawal or to communicate in writing a previously given verbal withdrawal. The form can be used in residential, commercial, and farm-and-ranch transactions.
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EXCELLENT! We h ave needed this form for years! Thanks Broker Lawyer Comm.
Great form, please give a sample or illustration on how to properly fill the form out
Here you go:
Thanks, TAR!
Thank for this information, it is so needed.
I agree, a sample on how to use this (which box to use) would really be helpful! Thanks!
Here you go:
Is this before executed contract? I didn’t see the form on this thread .
I can’t see the difficulty in filling out this form after it has been read.
Could we get a sample showing us the correct way to fill the form out? It would be much appreciated, Thanks.
Fantastic TAR .. Thanks a bunch! Much needed!!
Here you go:
If you wanted to revise an offer that was previously sent (that has not been executed yet), would you include this form with your new offer? Or would you just inform the listing agent you are sending a different offer. So far, I’ve only seen this form used when the buyer wants to withdraw offer b/c they don’t want the house any more & they have no intention of re-submitting a different offer. I guess same goes for a seller who has second thoughts on a counter offer that they now want to change before it gets executed