As a member of Texas REALTORS®, you receive exclusive access to 130 forms—including 40 commercial forms—above and beyond the 27 forms the Texas Real Estate Commission offers all license holders. Spanish and Vietnamese translations of some forms are available for reference purposes.
Members can access these forms at In the For REALTOR® Members section, select the Legal & Ethics dropdown menu and choose Blank Form Downloads.
Texas REALTORS® forms are also available from these licensed form-fill and transaction management vendors:
- zipForm: Members of Texas REALTORS® receive access to zipForm as part of your association benefits.
- Brokermint
- DocuSign
- Dotloop
- Instanet
- SkySlope
Additionally, the Texas REALTORS® Seller’s Disclosure Notice (TXR 1406), Information About On-Site Sewer Facility (TXR 1407), and Information about Special Flood Hazard Areas (TXR 1414) are licensed for use by Sellers Shield, a Texas REALTORS® risk management partner that provides a service that guides sellers of single-family one-to-four properties through the disclosure process and helps prevent lawsuits for sellers and their agents and brokers. If you ever see a Texas REALTORS® form being provided outside of these vendors, please email details to Texas REALTORS® wants to protect the valuable resources that only members are entitled to use.